
The Mullaitivu Child Development Centre was officially declared open on 5th of April 2023 with the esteemed presence of the officials of the government, well wishers, staff team of Child Action Lanka, members of the community and children.

Mullaitivu is the last battlefield of the 30-year civil war and ranked as the second poorest district in the island which is home to 98,000 people. 260 families live In Poothanvayal village in Maritimepattu divisional secretariate where our centre is located. All these families are displaced from the war and have fled from the areas such as Vavuniya and Vanni districts and settled in Poothanvayal since 1985. The community of the area is subject to wide income fluctuations as the main sources of income for many are fisheries and paddy cultivation. However, at present many of the families have chosen immediate income generating occupations such as making local alcohol or purchasing and selling it among the same community which has made the community vulnerable to alcohol addiction and abuse.