Guardian Angel programme

The Guardian Angel programme is developed to support the living expenses and the educational expense of these children that our at our shelter home. currently we have 7 children in our residential care. Through this program we are also planning on increasing the number of children that we can take into our residential care.
Your donation provides a safe and loving home, education, healthy meals and quality health care for a child.
To be a Guardian Angle:
- You must register with CAL as a Guardian Angel. Our dedicated team will guide you through this process
- Sponsor a child for at least a year. Total commitment for one child for a year is USD 480 per year.
- Donations can be made as an individual in which case you would receive a "Guardian Angel" status or as a group in which case the group will be called “The Host”.
Those who participate in the programme will receive:
- Information about the child you are sponsoring
- A quarterly update about the child you are sponsoring
- And of course a big Thank you from the kids and from us at CAL
- A certificate that acknowledges you as a CAL “Guardian Angel” or a member of “The Host”
Sponsorship Setup
Sponsor a child with a Monthly donation of USD 40 per month. (LKR 14,400.00 per month)
Sponsor a child with a Quarterly donation of USD 120 per quarter
Sponsor a child with One time donation of USD 480 per year
Click Here to Register